As I have grown up and gotten older it seems like there are a lot less "events" that I look forward to or get excited about. HOWEVER, this week I've become EXTREMELY excited about 2 events coming in the next few months.
First, lets fast forward to Valentines Day, 2012............

Lady Antebellum is probably my favorite music group of all time (besides my teenage obsession with NSYNC). They are coming to Salt Lake on Valentines Day and I was able to get some AMAZING tickets!

See that little red circle in the middle of the stage?? Ya, I'll be there! Right now the plan is to go with my brother since Thad is not a music person (especially country) but if my brother decides he wants to take a date with him I will have an extra ticket! So, until V-Day I'll just keep singing their songs in my head :)
Fast forward again to March, 2011...........

Probably one of the best books (definitely my favorite series) I've ever read is being made into a movie. They released the official trailer this past Monday and it looks amazing! I've never gotten into the whole Twilight phenomenon (never read any of the books or seen the movies) but I WILL be waiting in line at midnight to see this movie! If anyone wants to go with me just let me know! My family has been reading the books over the past year and therefore has my copy of the first book in the series but when I go down to visit next week for Thanksgiving I am going to track it down and start reading them again so I can be ready! Anyway, if you haven't watched the trailer for the movie yet, go watch it here.